Payment for Individual Sessions
Suggested Tiers for 1:1
$160+ - Contributing
$130 - Standard
$100 - Supporting
Pay What You Can (always an option)
Payment Methods
Preferred Payment for in-person sessions is via cash/credit/Venmo/Zelle.
However you can always pay online using the form below
I do not want price to be a barrier to accessing hands-on care, practice advice, mentorship, or anything I offer. If you are concerned about payment, please let me know, and we can work something out.
tiered pricing options
Standard – $130
The standard rate is based on all the expenses needed and time required to offer these sessions
Contributing – $160+
If you can offer more, it helps me continue to offer sessions on a sliding scale basis.
Supporting - $100
This rate covers the base expenses for a session.
Pay What You Can
To offer a different amount, anywhere on a scale choose this.